Book a Scouting Call


You know you're capable of more. Much more.

You already know you can comfortably continue to climb the corporate leaderboard.

But there's a part of you that knows that won't be enough.

A fancier title won't be enough.

Neither will an incremental raise.

You want to leave a legacy.

To not just have work-life balance, but to be in your life's purpose.


Your main quest is where where the highest level rewards are: max meaning, purpose, and fulfillment.

As your quest guide, I will get you there quickly and efficiently by helping you:

  1. Reveal your ikigai (a japanese term meaning "reason for being").
  2. Design a clear vision of what your next level looks like in your career, stat, and skill progression.
  3. Help you powerlevel past any fears and limiting beliefs capping your progress.
  4. Generate a quest log so you know exactly what you need to do next on your main quest.
  5. Help you stay on track and having fun in this next epic chapter of your main quest.
Apply for Coaching

What you're looking for is your main quest.

You're ready to escape the endless loop of grinding to boost your stats, bank account, and skills but still feeling like you could be playing much bigger.

You're tired of doing work where you have to justify the importance of it to yourself, when really - it's just a job that looks good and pays the bills.

You feel like a Super Saiyan who has been hiding their power level, and is ready to go full Goku.

You see the people who are higher up than you at your company and you realize you don't actually want to be like them.

You're ready to be the hero of your own story, not the sidekick to someone elses.

And yet… Although you're ready for the next level… Something is holding you back.

You feel unclear on what the next level actually looks like. Others see you as confident, but you have insecurities that don't make sense to you. A gnawing sense that you're running out of time to really make your mark.

Do you feel anxiety when you're not doing anything because you feel like you're behind schedule in life?

When others see you successful at the game you've been playing, but you feel like you're ready for an entirely new game?

Are you not as far as you’d like to be and find yourself constantly comparing yourself to those who already appear to have “made it” at the level you secretly feel you should be at?

Do you notice that when people compliment you on your achievements, it doesn't seem to really sink in?

Do you feel overwhelmed when you consider making a change, paralyzed by all the variables to consider, and then you end up just defaulting to continuing what you already know?

Are any of these getting in the way of you experiencing the satisfaction and peace that you thought you'd already have by now?

  • frustration, 
  • impatience, 
  • insatiable hunger for more, 
  • restlessness,
  • gnawing self-doubt, 
  • fear

Whatever it is, it’s holding you back from really being the hero you know you can be. And it's stopping you from finding your main quest - the path that will really launch you into a life you'd thrilled about.

Something is in the way of upgrading into the next level of potential that you – and others – know you're right on the cusp of.

And while you show the world a happy smile, deep down you're frustrated at the lack of progress.

Kaizen Asiedu

Therapy doesn't seem to be doing it. It helps to talk about your feelings, but it doesn't seem to be driving you forward with action.

You've tried meditating. You've listened to the Tim Ferriss show. Read Atomic Habits. Tried a bunch of Andrew Huberman protocols. 

And in the moment, it feels good getting more information and trying new tactics. But your life isn't changing as dramatically as you'd like.

So what's the missing piece?

The answer is your purpose. And the keys to it lie in your subconscious.

Your purpose is the combination of what you're passionate about, what you're skilled at, what the world needs from you, and what you can be rewarded for.

And it isn't until you get clear on your subconscious drives and beliefs, and align them to the game-changing impact that you want to make that you'll be able to finally win the bossfight against the unseen but immensely powerful self-sabotage that's been getting in your way.




The key to winning the bossfight against self-sabotage is to connect with your inner Navi - the navigation system that we all have that is guiding us toward our calling and purpose in life.

In psychological terms you can think of this as the Self as identified by Carl Jung - the authentic you that isn't attached to limiting beliefs and societal conditioning. 

But I prefer the term Navi, because psychology is dry, and games are fun. And my clients get great results because they have fun.

My Unlock Your Main Quest method is designed to connect you with your Navi and draws on my studies of philosophy at Harvard, hypnosis, psychology, and practical experience having left the 9-5 corporate world to become a successful entrepreneur myself. 

Using this method, I've helped 100+ private clients start businesses, take their business to the next level, find partners, let go of toxic relationships, and find a sense of inner peace that has evaded them for years.

And now, after helping 100+ clients get clear on their calling and overcome self-sabotage, I've created this exclusive program for you – the high-achiever who needs a deeper way to truly upgrade to the next level – personally, professionally, and spiritually.


Enroll to experience a total level up in your career, relationships and well-being. Together with kaizen you'll defeat the bosses that are getting in the way of your next level. 

Overcome your self-imposed constraints and self-sabotaging behavior to evovle into the main character you know you can be, and become the energized, empowered, epic hero you and the world needs.

Here's why high-performers trust kaizen 

Kaizen has changed my life.

Now I’m at Story Games and I’m CEO. And it’s incredible…it’s fucking incredible. I always knew I was a good leader…but now to be in it and live in it.

Something kind of happened when I turned 40. My life is different in a way that feels like a before and after. I just look back and I'm like a different man. A different person. I remembered who I was. I just know who Steve Stagliano is now.

I’m proud at 40, you know? I feel really good about 40, and it’s because of all this work. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.

I feel like a king now! I like actually feel like a king like from the Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones, you know? And what an unbelievable feeling to have when you turn 40.

Steve Stagliano
Co-founder & CEO, Story Games


Now He's Running a Thriving, purpose-driven health company, leading communities, and has reaches an audience of millions

"Since I began working with Kaizen, I have been on the most transformational journey of my life... Today, I am fitter, happier, and more satisfied in my career and relationships than I have ever been. I got a new job within a few months—one that was significantly better paying and better aligned with my purpose. I let go of toxic relationships that had been bogging me down and now have a better relationship with my family and friends and am with a partner who also lifts me up. I am in the best shape I have been in since my early twenties. And I every day I wake up feeling both energized and at peace."

Dhruv Singhal, JD/MBA
Vice President, Citigroup
Harvard '12

What happens when you find and follow your main quest

Jordan sold a physical therapy business that just felt like a sidequest, leaned into his passion of supporting high-performers in the esports industry as a consultant and podcast host, and found peace and purpose after years of feeling disconnected and using video games to cope with his existential boredom. And as a side benefit, he has a new, awesome relationship!

Aaron went from feeling a lack of direction and scarcity mindset, to finding a new partner after years of being single, creating an online audience for his written essays, and adopting a more confident, abundance mindset.

Let's Get Specific. 

How does this work?

Get exactly what you need to break through to your next level.

Unlock Your Main Quest™ Coaching is the 6-month-long journey to your next level. You’ll work exclusively with Kaizen Asiedu, The Quest Guide, to help you upgrade your career to your calling, transform your relationships, and unleash your main character energy.

While the program typically includes the following, this is a bespoke solution, and will be tailored to your specific needs and goals.


24 Breakthrough sessions with kaizen

These 1.5 hour sessions are where we'll establish goals, work through blocks, and get you clear on confident on how to progress in your quest 


This will be a powerful, immersive adventure with Kaizen, where you'll utilize a series of potent exercises to help you breakthrough your most difficult blocks and install the lessons from your breakthrough sessions. 


Whenever you need additional accountability in between sessions, you’ll have access to Kaizen.


1-2 Sessions on Values

  • Our values are essentially the stats that are most important in our life. A mage needs Magic, a warrior needs Strength, an Archer needs Dexterity. Understanding your unique archetype and the stats that are most important for you will give you the confidence to always make the right decision for your main quest.

1-2 Sessions on Origin Story

  • Understanding your past clarifies your future. Here we'll do a deep dive on the major events in your life's playthrough so far so that we understand and reprogram your limited beliefs, as well as uncover your deepest desires.

3-4 Sessions on Vision

  • Every adventure has an aim, and the clearer the aim, the more likely you'll achieve it. Kaizen will guide you through his bespoke framework for clarifying your vision across the three major categories: Health, Wealth, and Relationships. You'll leave with a written and visually detailed rich life vision that motivates you to create it every day.

1 Session on Antivision

  • Behavioral psychology research reveals that humans are about twice as motivated by avoiding pain than pursuit of pleasure. Knowing what the nightmare mode of your life will provide you with potent fuel to keep progressing in your main quest, even when it's hard. 

1-2 Sessions on Purpose 

  • Here we'll clarify the deeper purpose of your life by following the Japanese framework of ikigai. You'll leave these sessions with a connection to your life's mission and feel empowered to fulfill it.

4-5 Sessions on Breaking Through Insecurities & Fears

  •  We all have insecurities, fears, and self-sabotaging behaviors that we engage in that keep us playing smaller than we're capable of. Whether it's procrastinating, overindulging in food, entertainment, collapsing our boundaries, or whatever it is - it's time to get to the bottom of these behaviors and make the changes to your code that will support you to move past this behaviors effortlessly and permanently.

2-3 Sessions on Relationships

  • Live is a multiplayer journey and the quality of your party will impact the quality of your results. We'll do an assessment of your relationships and the roles various people in your life fulfill using the Circles of Influence framework, and help you make the changes needed to upgrade relationships that empower you and release the ones that don't.

7-8 Sessions on Main Quest Exploration

  • Your main quest is your calling - the truly liberated version of your career where you're doing something you love, having an impact you care about, utilizing your talents, and receiving rewards you value. Kaizen will guide you through a bespoke process of planning, experimentation and iteration so you tangibly create the passion project, entrepreneurial pursuit, or career change most suitable to your hero's journey.

A little bit about kaizen: I used to be like you

who this program is for Kaizen Asiedu
  • Someone who grew up experiencing academic and professional success, but didn't translate that into actually feeling as good as my results suggested I "should"
  • Feeling like I was getting above average results in life and plenty of praise, but deep down that he wanted to make all the dope things he accomplished up to that seem like a footnote compared with what came next.
  • A perfectionist whose perfectionism and self-judgment was getting in the way of him actually feeling satisfied by his achievements.
  • A serial overachiever who had success, but missing the fire that came earlier in his career.
  • A high-performer who was always stressed out and swung from extremes over overworking to stuck in analysis paralysis.
Main quest masterclass


Kaizen Has Answers

I've looked into other life coaches, how is this different?

C'mon, even my name means "continuous improvement"! 

But besides that, my background as a Harvard graduate with a degree in philosophy uniquely positions me to support you in navigating complex life decisions and transitions..

My experience leaving a high-powered corporate job as Head of Global Esports Events at Riot Games to follow my calling means I have real experience going through a major career transition like the one you're considering - I've met all the doubts, fears that come with that, and know how to guide you through them.

And if you can find anyone who knows how to gamify the process of growth and weave in videogame analogies better than me, I'd like to meet them!


What is the financial commitment?

The Unlock Your Main Quest with Kaizen Asiedu program is a low 5-figure investment. If this is out of your personal price range (or that of your company, some companies offer programs to discount the cost of employees receiving coaching), I also offer group mentorship programs and retreats in the 4-figure range.



Most importantly: The fact that you are here, reading this, at the bottom of this page? This means you are on the edge of a breakthrough. You are ready to level up.

There’s a reason that you are here. If you’re being led to this, I'd love to have a conversation about how us joining forces could be the powerup that takes your life to the next level.


You only get this one playthrough of life. Why settle for anything less than an epic one?

kaizen asiedu

Frequently ask questions and answers

What is Lorem Ipsum?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Why do we use it?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Where does it come from?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

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Your purpose is that which makes the past makes sense

kaizen asiedu

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